Challenge yourself and friends in Laser biathlon

Discover the beauty of biathlon, which is one of the most popular and most watchable winter sports.

Your adrenalin rushes as you give it all you've got out on the Fischer cross-country ski track. The target gets closer, so you pull your laser rifle from your back, lie prone on the ground and take aim. Be calm as possible.  Take five shots, five hits, then you get an new rush of adrenaline, you jump back up, get back in stride and feel an amazing. Come to Fischer cross-country Ski Center and challenge yourself.

In laser biathlon, weapons with a laser technology are used; they do not physically shoot out bullets, but rather a laser beam which is aimed to the target. These weapons are completely safe, and no special training or licences are required for their use. The rifles look, weigh and function just like the weapons used in biathlon.

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For one person 1/2 hour
1 hour

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