Roller skating, roller skiing, cycling

An asphalted road surface reaching 1.25 kilometres in length and 4 metres in width offers various options for activities in the warm months of the year- roller skating, roller skiing, Nordic walking, running or cycling. Technical description: natural terrain with a negative slope of up to 18%, the highest vertical elevation of 11 metres, a crosscut of 2.5% in the straight sections and a curve of 4% in the flat sections of the road. In the summer season, the track is available for free to the solo visitors.

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Track usage    1 day
Individual visitors free 
Partial track usage for group lessons (organized workouts, 1 hour) 7.00
Roller skating, roller skiing equipment  1 hour  2 hours Every next hour 1 day
Roller skating/roller skiing kit (with guards and helemet) 10.00 +3.00 +2.00 30.00
Roller skates/rooller skiis 7.00 +2.00 +1.50 20.00
Roller skiing boots 5.00 +1.50 +1.00 10.00
Guard kit and helmet 3.00 +1.00 +0.50 7.00
Roller skiing sticks 3.00 +1.00 +0.50 7.00
SKI Erg trainer 6.00 - - -
Laser biathlon (1 stand) 7.00 - - -
Children (up to 7 years) 
Roller skating/roller skiing kit (with guards and helemet) 8.00 +2.00 +1.50 23.00
Roller skates/rooller skiis 5.00 +1.50 +1.00 15.00
Roller skiing boots 3.50 +1.25 +1.00 10.00
Guard kit and helmet 2.00 +0.50 +0.50 5.00
Roller skiing sticks 2.00 +0.50 +0.50 5.00



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